Once everyone had the chance to get a good look at all of the big fish in the main indoor facility, the raffle was held and winners were announced. Some AKC ‘Koi Show Bucks’ and some fertilizer packages went to the lucky winners. There were also two grand prizes courtesy of Grand Koi, two imported Japanese Koi – a Tancho and a Hi-Utsuri. Unfortunately, one of the Grand Prize winners Doug had ridden his beautiful Harley, so his new fish had to catch a ride home with a buddy. Some members couldn’t resist the opportunity to purchase some beautiful koi to take with them. We had some fun catching the fish and they were then bagged up and sent with the happy owners to their new home. We at Grand Koi were grateful for the opportunity to share our facilities with the club, we really enjoyed ourselves and hope that everyone at the AKC did too.